HNI uses digital photos and videos as a means of celebrating the learning, achievements and experiences of our children.
These images or videos may be used in social media posts, on our website or advertising materials.
Please see our office admin team directly if your child's image can not be shared for any reason.
Athletics Badminton Basketball Canoe Polo Cheer Chess Cricket
Cross Country
Cycling Dance Equestrian Football Gymnastics Hockey
Netball Orienteering Rugby Sevens Rugby Touch Skiing
Softball Swimming Tennis Triathlon/ Multi-Sport Volleyball
Sports currently offered @ HNI
If your child enjoys sport and physical education, then he/she is going to love what we have on offer at HNI.
At the intermediate level, we aim to create new interests and encourage our students to try new sports within a supportive and challenging environment.
Here at HNI, if students are interested and we have the support of our parent community in the capacity of coaching, we will give any sport a go!!
We invite you to explore the new 'Sports' tab on this website.
Please note: we have school soccer and rugby teams that compete against other intermediate schools for the inter-intermediate shield. However, the Saturday competitions are club-based for these sports.
Registrations for HNI Sports teams is mainly done via Kindo.
If you have any sports-related queries, please contact our Sports Administrator, on email
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Havelock North Intermediate School, Nimon Street, Havelock North 4130
Phone 06 877 8039 Email